Help Us Continue to Help Others
Open Bible Medical Clinic & Pharmacy (OBMCP) is a ministry comprised of the collective efforts of many within the evangelical Christian community. Many churches and individuals from the community of believers share in the work and oversight of this ministry with Open Bible Baptist Church providing governance.
OBMCP receives ongoing funding from individuals, organizations, churches, businesses, as well as through grants provided by private foundations. OBMCP continues to raise money for this vital service for our community and we need your help. Any amount you can give will make a difference.
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Your financial support will help us offset the ongoing cost of this important life changing work . We are asking Churches, businesses, individuals, and organizations to partner with us.
We need monthly support of $5,000.00 for medication and administration. And we are asking the community if they can give $100.00-$ 500.00 per month to support this resource.
We need $25,000.00 to provide administrative continuity, increase volunteer recruitment, document outcomes, provide quality assurance, and increase private and commercial support.
Our many thanks for your continued support!